Friday, September 7, 2012

Here Is Another Way That You Can Make Some Money

If you are out of work, behind in your bills, or just need some extra cash, then you might want to look into becoming a volunteer for research.

There are organizations out there that will pay you to become a volunteer.

There are organizations out there doing studies and research on things such as marijuana smoking, Alcohol and even beer and they are willing to pay volunteers in CASH!

Some of these organizations are paying up to (and sometimes even more than) $5,000 for research volunteers!

The federal government, universities and drug companies pay-out over one hundred million ($100,000,000) yearly to research volunteers and one of them could be you!

You can find out more about programs like these by reading my Grant Basics 101 Blog which includes more information about programs like this, other government grant programs and just basic information about grants and grant programs.

You can also read about different ways that you can earn money online by reading my Working From Home Blog.

As hard as it is to believe you can actually get paid to smoke pot, get paid to smoke cigarettes and there are even some research organizations that will pay you to have sex!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family Needs Donations

i was just wanting to ask oprah if she could run this ad on her site or talk show.

click link below to make donations to family of 82 yr old grandmother and greatgrandmother diagnosed with brain cancer. prognosis not good and she is going home to jesus very very soon.

donations of any amount would be appriciated to help cover her creamation and burial.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Sometime ago I wrote a blog post about people asking Oprah for money. Since then people have been posting comments on my blog mistaking it for an actual blog from Oprah.

Here is yet another financial request that was received:

Hi oprah my name is R. I recently finished college in 2009 I have a 2 year old daughter and lovely fiancée. I'm just struggling right now trying to make it. I have a job and everything but don't make enough to pay off all my student loans and try to provide for my family. I never ever been the type to ask for anything. I know one day the lord is going to bless me to get out of this debt. Cuz I was taught by my grandmother to never give up on anything. In due season I know everything will be alright. My phone number is 8xx-xxx-xxxx

Again I do have to repeat that this is not a blog that was made by Oprah. It is simply a blog where people can post their financial requests as long as they fit within the guidelines of being able to post them on this blog.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Here Is Yet ANOTHER Request For Help

Here is another comment that I received on my Financial-Related blog:

"Joseph said...

hello my name is joe

I've had some pretty rough things happening to me in my family lately. financially forced to move out of our home in new jersey. because I got left let go from my job now I can afford to live there anymore. lost my health insurance I can't find work move to florida close to my dad. my home is being foreclosed on in new jersey people coming after us for money I'm trying to make it work. but we have no work things working against us every turn we take. please someone sent some help anything, somebody knows anyone in port saint lucie that hire me for work I need a certain amount of money for my bills, hey asking for handouts it's against my nature I'm a hard worker always look out for myself but I'm getting caught up in these financial stress is and I'm running out of money, we're very close to the end. don't know how much longer it's gonna last, the stress is taking its toll on my wife in my kids I'm trying to hold it together for everybody. if anyone feels they wanna help us I hate to take it but I will if you can check me out I'd be happy to give you my social name address phone number anything, to prove it my story is true. I am positive that there are others out there just like me in worse situations I must do what I must. please anyone who is willing to help.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are You Praying For A Financial Miracle? Part 2!

Here is one of my most popular blog posts from my Finacial Miscellaneous Blog.

It is a blog post that I made some time back about those who are praying for a financial miracle.

"Question: I pray for a financial miracle, not in greed but for relief and to help so many others both directly and indirectly in the name of JESUS. I'm tired of poverty and really believe that GOD has provision (lottery jackpot) above and beyond here on earth. I can see a great future and GOD in the blood of JESUS does provide. I am not ashamed for this vision of the future that is prayed for. Is this good?

Answer from Jesus:

I can assure you that both God and myself would like to see the abundant life manifest on Earth. It was never God's intention that so many people should live in abject poverty. On the contrary, it was always God’s intention that everyone should share in the abundant life in a universal brother/sisterhood in which people would recognize the truth in my statement that inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my little ones, you have done it unto me.

I am not saying that you should not pray for abundance, both in your personal life and in the lives of others. However, a central theme on this website is that people need to change their attitude towards religion and towards their relationship to God. People need to move out of a passive state of mind in which they expect God to change their situation through some kind of financial miracle. Instead, they need to get into an active state of mind in which they begin to see themselves as Co-creators with God.

If you truly read the Bible, you will see that this idea is already incorporated in the teachings I gave 2,000 years ago. Take for example my parable about the talents. The person who buried his talents in the ground was rebuked by God because he had not fulfilled the essential command given by God to “Multiply and take dominion over the Earth.”

When you are sent into this world, God gives you certain gifts and talents, and it is your responsibility to multiply those talents. When you do, God will multiply your multiplication so that to him that has, more shall be added. If you bury your talents in the ground and passively wait for God to do it all for you, you are simply not fulfilling the covenant that God has offered to man.

So instead of praying for a financial miracle, such as a lottery jackpot, it would be more constructive to pray for God to enlighten you as to how you can play an active part in bringing about this new more abundant future. There are two ways for you to do this, and the first is to change your own state of consciousness. It is a universal law of God that if you want to change your outer situation, you must begin by changing yourself, your state of consciousness.

Begin by leaving behind the consciousness of poverty, which truly springs from a sense of being separated from God, and step up to the abundant consciousness. The abundant consciousness is the Christ consciousness in which you see yourself as a son or daughter of God. You will remember my statement that I am come that all might have life and that they may have it more abundantly. As you will see throughout this website, I came to show all people that they can rise out of the lower state of consciousness, the carnal mind, and attain a higher state of consciousness, namely the Christ consciousness.

The Christ consciousness is truly the abundant life, and when you attain that state of consciousness, when you seek first the kingdom of God, all else, including material abundance, will be added unto you in accordance with God's will and your soul’s plan for this life.

When you begin to attain the abundant consciousness in your own life, you can then work for bringing about the abundant life on a larger scale. I earlier said that it is God’s intention that everyone should share in the abundant life. So you need to consider why we currently have a situation on Earth with such an unequal distribution of wealth that a majority of the world's population live in abject poverty while a small elite live in incredible luxury. You will quickly realize that this is a manipulation of the original plan of God.

If the situation is to change, two things must happen. One is that more abundance must be created, and this can be done by using the laws of God. The best way to use the laws of God is to attain Christ consciousness because then you will be in alignment with those laws. So one viable way to change the current situation on Earth is to attain Christ consciousness and then see how you can help bring about more abundance that you share with others.

For more information about additional sources of money please check out my blog about unclaimed money

The Unclaimed Money Blog


One of my most favorite pieces of advice is to take something that you love and turn it into a business! Please take a look at my Working From Home blog to get some working from home ideas!

If you are looking for money or some sort of financial help you can take a look at my blog Grant Basics 101 which is my blog about government grants and types of free money that is available out there!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are You Praying For A Financial Miracle?

One of my very most popular blog posts is Are You Praying For A Financial Miracle?

It seems that a LOT of people are praying for a financial miracle!

I also posted a blog post about asking Oprah for money and it seems that a lot of people mis-took my blog entry for one that was actually posted by Oprah - which it wasn't. The name of the blog post was Ask Oprah And Ye Shall Receive.

Many people thought the blog was actually from Oprah but it wasn't! It was just me posting about how people are always asking Oprah for money

About This Blog!

I decided to start this blog because I have seen so many sites where people are requesting money, whether it be for an emergency need or for a particular goal that they would like to achieve.

However the problem with their sites are that they are not getting a lot of traffic to them which means not a lot of people are viewing their websites.

So I decided to start this page where people can post their financial requests for money and leave a link to their website or blog so that more people will be able to visit their site.

I am asking for a $10 donation per request before I will post the request to this blog.